
Südwestkirchhof Stahnsdorf und Ristorante Castagno
Wannseestraße 4, 14532 Stahnsdorf, Brandenburg


05. Dezember 2022


16:30 - 19:45

Gedenken an Otto Graf Lambsdorff mit Linda Teuteberg MdB

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is holding an event on Monday, December 5, 2022 in memory of the 13th anniversary of Otto Graf Lambsdorff’s death. The deputy chairwoman of the Ludwig Erhard Foundation, Linda Teuteberg MdB, will give a keynote speech and discuss the topic “Otto Graf Lambsdorff’s economic policy values ​​in the present” .

The event is public.

The venues are the Südwestkirchhof Stahnsdorf and the Ristorante Castagno, Wannseestraße 4, Stahnsdorf (Brandenburg).

Registration is possible via the Friedrich Naumann Foundation:  >> register here.

The complete program and further registration options can be found here: >> to the program. .

Die Veranstaltung ist beendet.

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